Cobb’s Exotic Animal Rescue Foundaton is pursuing funding for their future education and rehabilitaion centre for exotic animals in Calgary, Alberta.
Why an Exotic Animal Rescue?
Too often people buy exotic animals without thinking long term. Many of these animals will outgrow their space and outlive their owners. As a result, exotic animals are frequently sold and resold, and sadly often inhumanely disposed of.
Until now, there has not been one local rescue that is designed to handle exotic animals and give them the unique attention they need, offer them a permanent home, and offer hands-on education programs to schools and the public, teaching them about these fascinating creatures.
As a result, we created Cobb’s Exotic Animal Rescue & Education Foundation (CEAR). We are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing exotic animals rehabilitation, a loving forever home, proper nutrition and veterinary care.
Cobb’s Exotic Animal Rescue and Education Foundation strives to give all exotic animals a safe and healthy life – if they are living with us, or with their pet owners.
1. Animal Safety & Wellbeing
To offer forever homes, rehabilitation, proper nutrition, and veterinary care for exotic animals that need it.
2. Public Education
To educate the public with the aim of decreasing uninformed purchases as well as training current exotic animal owners how to better care for their animals. Added to this, general education programs educating people about different exotics, where they are from, how they live, etc.
With extensive experience in business, non-profits, and teaching, CEAR’s Founders are a team of animal lovers dedicating their time to saving animals and educating the public.
Maureen Sheppard – Maureen has been involved with exotics for over 30 years. She has owned numerous businesses.
Michael Sheppard – Mike has been involved with exotics for over 30 years. He has owned numerous businesses.
Mark Powers – Mark Powers worked for the Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society (The DI) for 19 years, was a part of the United Ways Speakers Bureau, Mark was nominated and was a part of the 2017 Avenue Magazines Top40Under40 for his various roles and achievements in the nonprofit sector.

we need you!
We are currently seeking funding and title sponsorship to build the Exotic Rescue Education Centre. Our goal is to give animals in need a caring forever home.
We want you to be part of that.